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- Timeless Immortal Art - Merì (ME)
From Sicily to China, the gift of immortality to 60 artists from all over the world.
Merì, a small town that becomes an eternal open-air museum, giving immortality to 60 artists from all the nations of the world. A message for the future that fascinates all countries of the world.
A one-of-a-kind project is about to change the way of conceiving art within an urban context, it will be initiated from Sicily with the contribution of China, with the purpose of enhancing beauty. The project primarily involves the installation of terracotta tiles, painted by 60 artists in the small village of Merì (Me). There will no longer be plaques on the walls indicating the streets and squares of the city, but sixty art works that will transform it into an external open-air museum. Each artist will become the testimonial of a street in the city and will have the gift of immortality because his name will recall a street or a square. A strong positive energy field made of pure art, from Sicily to China and soon in other countries of the world. Through a multi-cultural approach, cities will be given not only a new aspect, relaunching it territorial image on an aesthetic level, but a different breath from a cultural point of view, with economic and social implications and with attention to environmental aspects.
An open-air museum but also a real urban regeneration through art - a model of cultural rebirth - thanks to a redevelopment project that can count on international artists. With the donation of the artists works made on terracotta tiles, the city will decorate streets and squares creating a cultural path, a timeless exhibition, which will ensure that the artist's name and work are preserved and exhibited forever in the streets and squares of the city, the epicentre of micro monuments dedicated to artists.
Sixty international artists for a revolutionary artistic project destined to relaunch the small town of Merì as the "capital" of art. A project that will also be carried out in China with the same group of artists: a patrol that has become an army, which armed with paintbrushes will make the dream of the administrators of these cities a reality and for the public a new breath of air.
Source: artrabbit.com